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Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics The University of Tokyo

In the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of the University of Tokyo, we conduct research and education focused on aircraft and spacecraft, which have evolved alongside advances in science, technology, and civilization ever since humans began dreaming of air travel.

Aircraft, as a fast and safe means of transportation, have expanded the sphere of life for people around the world and contributed to the promotion of interactions beyond regional boundaries. The emergence of new aircraft, such as next-generation air mobility vehicles, will open up new dimensions in transportation and lead to a reorganization of transportation infrastructure.

Spacecraft, including rockets and satellites, are not only essential infrastructure in our daily lives, but are also opening up new frontiers beyond Earth such as the expansion of habitable zones to the Moon and Mars. This poses new challenges for applying existing technologies and establishing sustainable livelihoods in extraterrestrial environments.

By addressing such challenging research topics, we aim to cultivate innovators who will lead the aerospace field of the future. Join us in shaping the next frontiers of aerospace engineering.

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